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Semalt: The World of SEO 

Everyone understands that for the effective sales, you need to show your products to as the largest audience as possible. In our world, the Internet represents the most significant concentration of users, and therefore potential buyers. That's why every organization and enterprise strives to present itself by creating an effective, convenient, and beautiful site. However, even creating a successful website that pleases not only the owner, but also the visitors, it turns out that a very small number of users can see it without promotion. If you haven’t planned your site’s advertising activities in advance by contacting professionals, then the question arises: what to do to make the buyers find you? Being wise, business owners try to find a professional SEO specialist or company. But it is not that easy to choose the good one. We can give you small advice, never have a deal with a company that is not good enough to resolve its own promotional problems. It possibly will spend your money for nothing. The best idea is to cooperate with a reliable company. One of the most successful Digital agencies in the SEO field is Semalt. We say this not just because we love to praise ourselves. In order to know what our satisfied customers say and write, you can go to the cases page. There are thousands of them satisfied with the level of income and growing audience. 

So, Semalt is a Digital agency. We perform the SEO of websites, and also provide other complex services to make you rich. Of course, working with professionals often costs a lot of money. This frequently creates a situation in which business owners try to conduct promotion on their own, educate employees in this matter, or use the services of acquaintances who will make it inexpensive. 

Yes, your website may certainly have some results from these actions, but due to the lack of system, without the vision of the entire situation and knowledge of professional tricks, it is impossible to achieve sustainable success. A wise leader will not put his/her own business at risk of ruin, right? Therefore, you can easily start with reasonable costs, optimizing your site with the help of Semalt professionals. Moreover, if, during the collective efforts of unfortunate specialists and colleagues, you have already made some nasty mistakes, which need to be urgently corrected, we can support you and solve dramatic problems. So, do not worry, we can save your site, improve its work, and develop practical steps to promote it. After a while, you will be wondering why you didn’t come to us earlier, seeing your site in the top ranking of the search engine.

Semalt has reached experience in troubleshooting and works on tasks of varying complexity. The company you own will be able to reach distinct privileges from cooperation with the creative Semalt team. We will think over and implement the website search engine optimization, using advanced technologies. The achievements from the promotion will depend not only on the specific technology, but also on the constant use of the new optimization methods and schemes. Semalt is experimenting, creating new approaches to the promotion of the websites because time does not stand still, and the rules are always changing. 

It is necessary to show ingenuity, relying on many years of experience and instinct, to catch constantly the slightest changes, remaining at the peak of fame. Our team can do these for a long time. Semalt proved to be the leader in web development and optimization of the search engine, relying on its world-class employees. The Semalt team consists of a variety of professionals who can communicate using a few languages. To develop your own business, inventive managers, specialists in SEO, silver-tongued copywriters, and other smart IT professionals would be rather helpful. Well, almost forget to say, perfect designers are with us, so let`s add fresh colours to your online resource. 

Thinking over the general promotional strategy, we apply an individual approach to each customer, every time. We carefully analyze the site optimization measures, define the factors, to receive the highest search engine rankings.

Power of SEO promotion 

What is an effective way for all enterprises, organizations, and startups? The answer is simple: all of them become visible by SEO-promotion. Your ideas will be shown to thousands of people; your project can find investors and your shipment will be delivered to every country on the Earth. The bottom line is to receive as much traffic as possible, increasing your audience.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) consists of internal and external optimization. Some actions, designed to ensure that the digital resource will take a place of honour on the first page during the search. As I told earlier, the site itself, without proper advertising, is not useful, and its traffic is weak without the improvement of the optimization methods, as they evolve non-stop. 

After all, the new methods to study the outcomes appear, algorithms are improved, and modern analytical services arise. Semalt also makes a significant contribution to the development of the SEO system.

So, talking about SEO promotion, we think about 3 parts of it, providing analytical actions and both internal and external optimization. And each of them, of course, includes important steps for getting the result. Semalt has developed a few solutions, which have incorporated the combined experience of colleagues and allows us to fulfil the optimization in several ways. So we present AutoSEO, FullSEO, and Analytics to check up your website wisely. Let`s study how each of them can help you to become reach.

AutoSEO as an easy start.

Business owners or startup founders, who tried this campaign inform our team about the excellent results. So AutoSEO creates a special space in the searching engine for the resource we promote, speaking figuratively, it climbs on the top. This makes it possible to show your company for a large number of potential customers that allows it to increase sales. After all these successful transformations, the business owners believe in Semalt services and, at the same time, in their own powers, to get what they actually want. The quantity of AutoSEO users grows fast, which makes us confident in our methods. If you are still unpleased with the position in the search engine, make a step to obtain the top place with Semalt.

Our journey has several main segments, and the Semalt professional manager would be your guide in it. This person would be responsible for the best result. During this tremendous SEO journey, the configuration of your site would be changed for optimization, as necessary. And as we promise, the company will be promoted high in the search engine.

Main activities for providing AutoSEO:
  • keywords selection;
  • website analysis;
  • website research;
  • niche-related websites link-building;
  • ranking improvement;
  • website error fixing;
  • customer support.
So, let`s go step by step and start with a simple registration on our site. It`s the beginning of the AutoSEO campaign. The analysis will start at ones, and gathered information will be grouped in a report. You will get important information about the status of your online platform in the searching engine, and often the errors in site`s structure will be detected. Further, the SEO consultant will examine elements of the website and eliminate all the errors found.

When all errors are fixed, our team begins to select appropriate keywords. It's fascinating because at this stage, we are engaged in the promotional process, and soon your digital resource will soar. Then we begin to select links to put them on proper sites. The content must be connected with your line of activity and updated, otherwise, the search engine would ignore it. So our team will select the websites and insert our links into. Semalt manager would control all provided actions to make it safe.

The time is coming for website changes implementation. The Semalt manager acts as a person who orders the corrections and, at the same time, controls and gives advice in all updates. We can read about the technical details and provided changes in a report. All we do is for safe and controlled, excellent website optimization.

To have a fast reaction to the changes of the search engine, our IT-specialists use File Transfer Protocol Access, or FTP shortly. Due to the fact that ratings are constantly undergoing changes, Semalt reacts by choosing different search keywords. Your website content should correspond with new keywords, and our SEO specialist will control it, completing all the work in a high-quality manner. All you have to do on these issues is to view reports and enjoy the traffic increase and the heavy load of sales managers in your company. All the work will cost $ 99 per month, a fantastic price for this perfect service.

FullSEO basic principles

Our digital agency has developed a campaign, called FullSEO, for an even more integrated approach in high-quality promotion, especially for large enterprises. A website will get both the external and internal optimization in short terms. The necessary activities will be carried out step by step. After that, you will be pleasantly surprised by the increased rating. You can discuss all issues of interest in modifying the site with a personal manager who will monitor the FullSEO campaign, as well as other Semalt campaigns.

It will take very little time to find your competitors behind in the ranking, and your site rises above them all to the top.

To take part in the campaign, users register on the Semalt website, and at once, our system analyzes your site automatically. 

Everything we do in this phase is for internal optimization. We can highlight several actions to assess the structure of the site. Gathered data will be included in the verification report. No one from your company has to correct errors; everything will be done for you by the Semalt SEO specialist. The next in the work plan will be the definition of the semantic core, based on reporting data. Don`t underestimate the role of keywords, ideally suited to your type of activity, as well as their distribution on the pages, it is crucially important. If you define those words correctly, your traffic will rocket!

To provide all the necessary changes, we will use the FTP protocol.

What`s next? Of course, the Semalt specialists will put the links to the appropriate resources of your niche. It`s a part of external, not less important, optimization. We pay great attention to the selected links and to which resources they are sent. They must neatly match the content of third-party resources. Our team will do it, so the search engines find them as best as possible. The success of your business relies on the strict implementation of the work.

As you understand, over many years of work, Semalt has acquired a number of trusted sites to host such links and constantly tracks their reliability. No worries, our colleagues will choose the websites with the most appropriate content to match the SEO rules. After entering the links to selected resources, you can already begin to track the results of the promotion. Your company will receive reports with all collected information about the position in the search engine and corrections on the website structure. A responsible manager from Semalt will control all changes, and you can check the progress without any additional actions from the customer.

In the situation, in which the customer must stop the SEO promotion temporary, it will not affect the traffic dramatically. Google removes backlinks in a month from the archives, but the rankings will be fine, remaining at the same place due to the FullSEO influence.

To find out the price of this campaign, many factors are taken into account, and one of the most important is the status of the site. We can announce the cost only after the detailed evaluation of our specialist. Even if the price is higher than you expected, it should be understood that this investment always pays off, which is confirmed by numerous satisfied Semalt customers.


For successful promotion, every company needs to track changes regularly in search engines, and the process itself complicates the selection and placement of links. it’s not easy to highlight the most important points, responsible for high-quality promotion. What helped in the past no longer works, and new methods are not fully disclosed. Therefore, without analysis, it is challenging to carry out effective promotion. This provoked the emergence of the excellent analytical system in our digital agency. The goals of the Analytics are finding technical errors of the site and their correction.

The Analytics system is responsible for:
  • selecting the keyword;
  • ranking the keywords;
  • checking the popularity of your brand;
  • analyzing the keywords` position;
  • getting known with rivals;
  • analyzing the website.
Analytics, during the testing, signals about the detected errors. This system is also aimed to check technical indicators and content. Also, your rival`s website analysis and its place in the ranking is worth of interest. This rating will indicate competitive advantages or weaknesses. The client will receive a summary in which he or she can see the place in the ranking and competitors` position in the search engine. 

Having a valid account on Semalt site allows you to check as many digital resources, as you need. Simply add the address in your personal cabinet and wait for the fast checkup. After the analysis, you will receive a report with detailed information.

Methods of search engines are constantly updated, so only our specialists can know all the details of working with them. Detailed data processing allows you to choose the most successful keywords. This is almost impossible without Website Analytics, because it allows you to make the perfect match for your content and search words. When it becomes necessary to make changes, this can always be quickly done.

When a basic set of keywords is formed, their use locates a quick beneficial effect on increasing the audience of your resource. The data in our system is non-stop gathered and analyzed. You do not need to spend your time on this anymore. Our customers receive reports and become busy with the increasing level of sales and other benefits. Day after day, your website will get better positions, while your competitors will slip backwards. Application Interface Programming will syncs all information automatically. Using it, you will be in touch with the current updates, and of course, we advise using it.

The Analytics service includes three main packages with a different cost:
  • STANDARD costs $69 per month (300 selected keywords, 3 projects, 3 months keyword position history);
  • PROFESSIONAL costs $99 per month (1 000 selected keywords, 10 projects, 1 year keyword position history);
  • PREMIUM costs $249 per month (10 000 selected keywords, projects and keyword history without limitations).
Semalt is also engaged in complex web development. We create sites based on the needs of the business for people who will use it with pleasure. During the development process, we take into account the characteristics of the target audience, functionality, modern design, and convenience. We use flexible solutions, integrate the website components with the applications of the third-party. 

Production of Effective Promotional Videos 

The ultimate goal of every business is to maximize profits. In order to make this happen, as many potential buyers, as possible, must know about your product. The global market is huge and overloaded with competitors and advertisements. There are many ways to promote goods and services, but one of the most powerful is a visual presentation. A short, eye-catching explainer video will be shown to each other and reviewed by friends and relatives, increasing your site audience. But it should be worth it!

A video will find an emotional response in people. Try to remember, maybe you have your favourite promotional video, which is nice to watch even after many years. So if you can think of one or a few of them, only imagine how effective a small movie can be. You can tell a short story about your business, show the steps for growing your company, or make a bright, expressive sketch about your products or services. The video can be cute in pleasant colours, shocking, fast, strange, or nostalgic. Semalt understands this perfectly, and that is why we have the service to make adorable informative videos.

At the end of this review, I want to say: contact Semalt as soon as possible to find out what we can do for you. We will create a strategy that will allow you to get professional service for a shoestring budget. The traffic of your site and sales will rocket, as well as your income. So do not hesitate for a long time, begin optimizing your website, and start a new, beautiful history of your business development.